Fly Tying Symposium Important Update

Unfortunately, we received the following update regarding the 2020 International Fly Tying Symposium…

The 30th anniversary edition of the International Fly Tying Symposium was scheduled for November 21-22. With a saddened heart, I must tell you that it has been postponed.

We had never missed a Symposium and withstood catastrophes from hurricanes, record warm temperatures, striper and bluefish blitzes, and snowstorms, but never did we have to compete with anything like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Symposium weekend has always been anticipated by fly tiers everywhere; many of whom have never missed a Symposium. I am one of them. I can’t believe that I am now age 77. When I started the Symposium, I was a young 47. I can’t help getting older. But I can try to control my health. And that goes for all you other “old timers.”

Postponement of Symposium 2020 was not an easy decision. But it was a decision that had to be made. I don’t want to see any of us take the chance of getting a fatal virus. It’s just not worth the gamble. Agree?

And so we will postpone to – hopefully – November, 2021.

We won’t have to wear masks, no Plexiglas shields, no difficulty understanding a conversation by being muzzled, and no Saturday night banquet celebration in our individual rooms eating takeout pizza.

I’m sure you and your fellow tying enthusiasts agree with the decision to postpone until 2021.

International tiers will once again be flying here from around the world for the Symposium in 2021. Everyone looks forward to visting the International tiers. The Symposium wouldn’t be the same without them; they are always welcome.

It will still be the 30th Anniversary. Just a year late.

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